Recognized by TSSA


To receive a Certificate of Qualification from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority, an applicant must:

1. Successfully complete the required set of written examinations, administered by the Technical Standards and Safety Authority, for the applicable class.

As each examination paper is completed, the applicant will receive a Program Status Report from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority. Upon completion of the examination papers in the class, a final Report will be issued indicating all the examination papers that were successfully completed by the applicant. The Program Status Report is required in order to receive accreditation.

2. Complete Form 6 "Application for Certification of Qualification" listing qualifying plant experience .

3. Submit the required documentation and prescribed fee to the Chief Officer, Technical Standards and Safety Authority, for issuance of a Certificate of Qualification. The documentation includes the Final Program Status Report and Form 6.

These forms are available at I.B.A. Industrial Training for an applicant who completes the required Practical Time. If enrolled at I.B.A. Industrial Training, I.B.A. Industrial Training will administer all necessary documentation.